Gridmaker for DX Atlas

Gridmaker for DX Atlas

2016-11-22 Off By DK5EW

Are you using DX Atlas to display your worked/confirmed grids on the map ? If so you know you have to list your grids in a txt file named xxx.wkd for worked and xxx.cfm for confirmed. There is no automatism in DX Atlas it self and you have to list the grids by hand in those .txt files.

Now LA8AJA has written a online tool to create this files aromatically by uploading your ADIF file and select band as well . you can find the webpage here:

Here is what LA8AJA writes:
Have you ever wanted a nice and quick way of displaying your worked/confirmed squares on a band ? Gridmaker takes your ADIF-file and searches for all the grids on the specified band. It then makes files for use in DXAtlas. You will get a zip-file which contains two files. One file is for worked grids, the other ones is for confirmed grids. Extract these files in a folder and open them with DXAtlas.