First sporadic E opening in 2016 on 144 MHz
22.May 2016: Today it came true – the first sporadic-E opening on 2m for 2016.
I was operating on the big 6m opening direction east to SV/YU/YO/ER/UA/OH. All stations came in with huge signals.
Inspired by these strong signals I switched on 2m and began to listen. Suddenly I heard on 144.300 MHz those typical sporadic E “bursts” sounding like parts of words via meteor scatter and shortly after that the opening began.
Sorry to say but I missed my 1.QSO by a logbook crash and I do not remember the call it was something with UR(7) ??? also from KO73.
This is a quick audio of R2YAA for KO73 square calling CQ recorded with my smartphone:
Here is the log:
22/05/2016 16:47 RA3EL KO82AX 59 1972km
22/05/2016 16:45 UA3YCX KO73EF 59 1864km
22/05/2016 16:43 R2YAA KO73DH 59 1860km
After the last QSO I had to shut down the station quickly because of a heavy T storm that was coming up.