DXCC #152 on 2m – St. Vicent & Dep
2016-03-25Got early up this morning to take my chance to work J8/WW2DX Lee who operates 2m EME from a holiday… Continue Reading
WAZ 14 * ITU 28 * Locator JN48MB * DOK P29 * QTH: Bäumlehof 850 m.a.s.l.
Got early up this morning to take my chance to work J8/WW2DX Lee who operates 2m EME from a holiday… Continue Reading
The German D.A.R.C. starts a new payed QSL service based on the idea of the Global QSL service. You can… Continue Reading
After a long period of a too mild winter we finally got snow and cold here at the Swabian Alp.… Continue Reading
When I started my 2m activity long time ago I never thought I could work 100 DXCC’s on 2m. Many… Continue Reading
Some impressions from the UKW-Tagung Weinheim. There has been a flea market inside a gym and also outside with things… Continue Reading
After some years offline I’m back again with a new own web domain. Please check this from time to time… Continue Reading